Breath Coaching

learn about the benefits of Breath coaching for

  • You feel tired throughout the day.
  • You lack focus or have problems with memory or concentration.
  • You experience symptoms of anxiety or depression.
  • You snore or have sleep apnea.
  • You have chronic low back, neck, or shoulder pain.
  • You have trouble sleeping and struggle to relax your mind.
  • You sigh frequently or hold your breath without realizing it.
  • You have gastrointestinal problems like irritable bowel syndrome, constipation, or acid reflux.
  • You are an athlete seeking faster recovery between workouts or competitions.
  • You are highly stressed and struggle to find moments of relaxation.
  • You have difficulty breathing through your nose.
  • You experience pain and would like to reduce medication and find relief.
  • You have difficulty winding down at the end of the day without using alcohol or cannabis.
  • You have medical conditions related to inflammation or autoimmune function.
  • You have asthma or struggle to breathe deeply.

If you said “yes” to one or more, learning efficient diaphragmatic breathing will quickly and significantly help your symptoms. 

here's why

Do any of these apply to you?

Every single cell in your body requires oxygen to function. Without enough oxygen, cells can’t perform their duties optimally- they’re constantly struggling to find the oxygen fuel to survive.

We think that breathing is automatic and flawless; that we’re either breathing or not. But, it’s not binary – it's how we breathe that impacts our health. The muscles we use, the depth of each inhale, and the rhythm of our breaths all influence whether our breathing helps or hinders our health.

Your breath is the gear shift directing your nervous system. Deep, slower breathing activates the parasympathetic, "rest and digest" system, promoting relaxation, lowering heart rate, and helping your body recover. 80% of adults are dysfunctional breathers with fast, shallow breathing, triggering a chronic feedback loop between breathing and feelings of anxiety.

Our diaphragm is a large, pizza sized muscle spanning the circumference of our entire abdomen. It sits below our lungs, above our digestive organs, and attaches to our spine- influencing all of these systems and more. If we do not use our diaphragm to breathe, the intersecting bodily structures do not function optimally.

Our nose filters, warms, and humidifies air, enhancing blood oxygenation. Chronic mouth breathing blocks the nose, dries the mouth causing bad breath, disrupts facial development in children, and contributes to poor cognition, snoring, sleep apnea, and even increased blood pressure.

With breathing coaching, you will...

  • Learn how activate your diaphragm and release your ribcage for optimal diaphragmatic breathing
  • Improve your CO2 tolerance to relieve and prevent feelings of breathlessness during stress or exertion 
  • Learn how to take full, deep breaths that oxygenate your brain and body, increasing your energy and cognition
  • Be able to turn your mind “off” to enhance focus and improve sleep.
  • Control your nervous system in any situation to optimize performance and reach your goals

Do you want to improve your breathing to

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Anxiety & sleep

athletic performance

Ease Anxiety Symptoms and Improve Sleep

Enhance Athletic Performance for Endurance and LIfting

deep transformation

Challenge Your Limits & Transform Your Mindset

Get Relief for Digestive, Respiratory, Pain, and Inflammatory Symptoms

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